Хотели двойника? получите.
непонятно с какой целью и зачем, 11 мая нам выдали
масcированно инфу о существование последние 19 лет
двойника по имени Барри Дж. Шоу, который полная копия
майкла, специально обученная под него.
Когда дело касается мистера Джексона мы конечно не знаем
то ли это дейтсвительно двойник в роли Дже, то ли Дже в роли
собственного двойника. можем порыться дальше и понять
в чем суть этой кампании и кто ваще собирается камбэкнуться -
Джексон или его двойник? и ваще Был Ли Мальчик?))
и ваще там куча барри шоу.
абсолютно новый профиль на майспейсе:
трогатеьная история оттуда:
About Barry Shaw Barry J. Shaw began working as a small time Michael Jackson impersonator in the Las Vegas casino circuit in 1985. Barry had an extreme resemblance to the King of Pop's mannerisms: his voice, his moves, and his body was nearly identical. Barry was unique in that he was one of the only professional white Jackson impersonators at that time, as Michael still had all his color. In 1988, Barry had been taking a break from show business, and he was contacted by one of Michael's agents. His agent explained to Barry that Michael had heard a lot about him, and would like to meet with him in person. So in March of 1988, Barry had fulfilled his dream in meeting with Michael face-to-face. Michael explained that his security, his press, his fans, and his life was exploding bigger and bigger to the world, and it became too much for one man to bear. Furthermore, Michael asked Barry if he would be interested in becoming Michael's body double. This would mean doing autograph signings with fans, walking through neighborhoods with fans, meeting with the press, doing photo shoots, interviews, and help defray the press from the REAL Michael when he wanted some time to himself. In 1991, Barry underwent extensive plastic surgery to recreate himself to look as the King himself. There wasn't too much that needed to be done, however, Barry and Michael wanted it to be PERFECT. Barry and Michael spent lots of time together so that Barry would understand how Michael would react to his fans, the press, etc. Barry learned Michael's every move, and became Michael in his own head. Also in 1991, Barry J. Shaw was invited to move into Neverland Valley Ranch in Los Olivos, CA with the King of Pop himself. Barry was given his own small home on the ranch, and was emerged into the pop lifestyle at full speed. Not only was Barry's dreams coming true, he became one of the closest personal friends of Michael, and more importantly, he is one of ONLY TWO PEOPLE to know EXACTLY what Michael went through on this Earth. It was in Barry's contract that he could not publicly speak out about his career with Michael. Now that Michael is gone, the contract has been annulled, however, Barry remains mostly silent for Michael's sake. This is his first time ever coming out publicly, and even still, he does so quietly and professionally. Barry does this for Michael's fans only. Barry has lived the life of Michael since 1991, he is ready for retirement, however, he feels the fans need him now.
уже какое-то время существующий профиль на фейсбуке,
http://www.facebook.com/people/Barry-Sh … 0671392058
недавно добавленное видео от основного агента который
педалирует эту тему двойника барри:
старый топик про двойника Джонатана Барра на мжките:
http://mjkit.forumotion.net/michael-jac … -t1066.htm
на тему барии шоу топик
http://michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/phpb … aw#p132226
http://michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/phpb … amp;t=8101
http://www.angelfire.com/bc/firstattemp … Page1.html
filmmaker from Santa Barbara,
еще есть дублер ЭЛВИСА с таким же именем.
http://www.angelfire.com/bc/firstattemp … nbarry.gif
http://search.lycos.com/index.php?adv=1&dsrc=tp&query=Shawn Barry site:tripod.com
Чувак который утверждает почемуто что он НЕ барри шоу
хотя его не спрашивали еще:
В общем, кому интересно - ройте.)
Отредактировано kto nado (14-05-2010 12:12:36)