Вот еще одна ссылка из немногочисленных статей про Альвареза от июля 2009 года:
WORLD EXCLUSIVE: Bodyguard who dialled 911 is revealed for the first time

This is the loyal bodyguard who calmly took control as a panicking doctor fought to save Michael Jackson’s life.
Alberto Alvarez – seen here beside Jackson in one of the last pictures taken of the singer in public – is the only person besides Dr Conrad Murray who knows what happened in those final chaotic moments.
The softly-spoken minder’s voice was later heard around the world on the tape of his call to the emergency services, politely asking for help.
His identity has been kept under wraps, but today the Sunday Mirror can reveal he is in the middle of a tug-of-war between the police and Jackson’s family.
Alberto has been questioned by detectives over several days. Jackson’s parents Joe and Kathleen are also trying to get him on-side to help with their own private investigation into their son’s death.
Gentle giant Alberto, who is 5ft 11in and a muscular 15st, briefly emerged from hiding to tell us that he had been ordered not to talk.
“Loyalty is everything in the security business,” said Alberto, 32. “I am going to go away for a few days to work out what to do.”
His wife Anna fought back tears as she told how her husband’s life has been turned upside down by Jacko’s death.
“He is going through a lot and needs time out to think about everything and decide what to do,” she said at the modest bungalow they share with Alberto’s father, brother and sister.
“It’s been really hard. He has to get away. We haven’t got a lawyer or anyone to help us through this.”
Alberto, who drives a sporty black Mazda car and owns a pitbull terrier, was so loyal to Jackson that he didn’t even tell neighbours that he worked for him.
“He would disappear for days at a time. I guessed he was in security because of his size,” one neighbour said.
“I often saw him out running and over the last few months he was putting on more weight, really bulking up. He’s a big, muscular guy, but gentle. I told him off when he first moved here about five years ago because he walked the pitbull without a leash. I said he couldn’t do that, there were kids around. He was very polite and apologised.”
Alberto was downstairs at Jackson’s Beverly Hills home when Dr Murray called for help. He had been trying to revive Jackson for almost 30 minutes before screaming at a chef to call an ambulance.
The live-in doctor, who had worked for Jackson for three years, told police that the phone land lines at the £70,000-a-month rented estate had been cut off for security reasons. And he claimed he didn’t want to call from his mobile because he did not know the full address.
Alberto calmly took control, telling the 911 operator that they had “a gentleman here who needs help and he’s not breathing”. Not once did he betray his employer by revealing his name.
Last night, a source who knows Alberto told the Sunday Mirror: “He is fiercely loyal and still wants to do the right thing by Michael Jackson.
“He is helping the police but he is being pulled in the opposite direction by the Jackson family. They want to keep him on salary and make him sign a confidentiality agreement, so they can make sure the information he has remains under wraps.”
On duty, Alberto was always just a step behind Jackson, protecting him from over-zealous fans and potential nutters.
He was pictured in May alongside the singer, who was holding an umbrella to protect himself from the blazing heat, and children Prince, 12, Paris, 11, and seven-year-old Blanket, wearing their usual masks to hide their faces.
The family had spent the day at the luxurious Beverly Hills Hotel, near the Carolwood Drive home where he died.
Альберто - верный телохранитель, который во время паники 25 числа взял ситуацию под контроль.
Он не сказал соседям, что работал на Майкла.
"Он помогает полиции, но в настоящее время семья Джексонов тянет его в противоположную сторону. Они хотят держать его на заработной плате и заставить его подписать соглашение о конфиденциальности, так они могут убедиться, что информация, которую знает остается в тайне ".
Поводу звонка Альвареза в 911, почему он не назвал имя Джексона, а сказал про джентельмена, который нуждается в помощи. Альварез настолько был предан Майклу, что "ни разу он не предал своего работодателя, раскрывая его имя".
В общем, с чего он вдруг начал говорить... И подписал ли он соглашение о конфиденциальности (если верить этой статье).